Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Failed to mention....

I was on such a high yesterday from the good news we received that I made it sound like the opposite news would have been the worst thing in the world. I failed to mention that I actually think we were in a very healthy place to accept the news and be ok with it, even recognize it as a blessing. We just needed to know before we could get to that place.

An article in this month's Ensign was about having a baby with Downs (which I took as another sign that it was inevitable) and it described the feelings we were having perfectly. No one wants a baby with special needs. They can be a challenge to raise, they may have many medical problems, and won't be able to live a normal life with marriage, missions, careers, etc., but they truly are sent straight from heaven. Their salvation is secure and they have so much joy and light to offer their families. We would have loved our little boy no matter what. Regardless of what would have happened or still could happen, we are truly blessed.

1 comment:

  1. I felt the spirit's peace as I read this post. Thanks for sharing!
