Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Projecting My Insecurities

I have really been pushing Dallin lately to ride his bike. He's almost 7 and still hasn't quite figured it out. I keep thinking, "What will all his friend's say when they find out?"I also keep thinking, "What's wrong with my son? Kids that are years younger have already figured it out!" I know these are such a dumb and sad things for a mother to think, but for some reason it really motivates me to push him really hard to get out there and keep trying. It hasn't been working so well though.

I realized that he doesn't really have the same worries and insecurities that I do (thank goodness). Seriously, none of his friends are even going to know he doesn't ride a bike. He doesn't ride one to school, his friends aren't old enough to ask him to go ride bikes, he doesn't seem to care much that he hasn't figured it really, what's motivating me?

I guess I'm thinking back to when I was a kid. I was very insecure about myself and always worried what everyone else thought of me. I was worried that the slightest thing would cause other kids to tease me, so I tried to blend in and not call attention to myself. I was worried that Dallin would be calling attention to the fact that he's not as sporty or coordinated as other kids by not working on this one skill, but I guess I just need to let him be a kid and decide what's important to him and what talents he wants to develop (we all know I've tried to get him to success).

Once I had that attitude change, guess what? He rode his bike for the first time yesterday. I am so proud! But I'm glad that it was his choice, not me forcing him for all the wrong reasons.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya! I think this happens to a lot of us. I felt that way with T-Ball. But once I relaxed I was able to enjoy the moment.

    Good to hear from you!
