Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This year, I'm thankful for a roof over our heads. I'm thankful for our health, Brian's good job, food to eat, and low gas prices. I'm thankful for my family coming to have Thanksgiving at our house. I'm thankful to have a wonderful husband who loves me no matter what. I'm thankful for my two beautiful children and that they are smart and energetic. I'm thankful for the feeling I get when I listen to good music. I'm thankful my talk is over (I can breath now). I'm thankful for good friends that are willing to talk to me after not speaking for 10 years or more. I'm thankful for the plan Heavenly Father has for us, and I trust that it is what is best for our family. I'm thankful for a lot of things this year. I need to tell myself that when things come up that I'm not so grateful for. We are truly blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for that post. I feel like Thanksgiving has come too quickly this year, and I haven't even had a second to stop and take stock of everything I'm grateful for. I appreciate the reminder to take a minute and just be grateful.
